Covid-19 Precautions

The health, safety, and well-being of the children, families, and staff here at Let’s Create are very important to us. We have been taking the following precautions to reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19 in our studio and in our community.

*Let’s Create’s occupancy/attendance is significantly reduced in efforts to give children and staff space to socially distance.

*Let’s Create is equipped with air purifiers to improve air quality throughout the studio.

*Face coverings/masks are required to be worn by anyone entering Let’s Create. If you do not have one, we have one we can give to you or your child, just let us know.

*All persons attending Let’s Create are required to wear face coverings/masks throughout their time here with the exception of meal times.

*Before meal times, everyone must wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before eating.
*Individuals must sit in marked designated eating areas which are spread out at least 6 foot apart. Everyone is also reminded of and required to wash or sanitize their hands after eating.

*Temperatures of all staff and children attending Let’s Create are taken and recorded upon entry each day. Anyone showing a temperature of 100 degrees F or higher will not be allowed to attend Let’s Create until they are fever free for at least 24 hours.

*Individuals showing signs or symptoms of Covid-19 will be required to take a Covid-19 test and have a “negative” result before returning to Let’s Create.

*Individuals testing positive for Covid-19 must follow the CDC guidelines for self-quarantining, at least 10 days from positive test result and have a clearance note from their doctor showing that they are no longer contagious before returning to Let’s Create.

*Individuals exposed to someone with Covid-19 or considered a “close contact” to someone with Covid-19 are requested to take a Covid-19 test. If the test is negative, they can return to Let’s Create after a self-quarantine period of at least 10 days from their last potential exposure.

*All tables and stools are cleaned and wiped down with spray liquid disinfectant throughout the day and before and after all meal times.

*Children and staff wash and sanitize their hands regularly throughout the day. Pump hand sanitizer bottles are spread out throughout the space for easy access.

*Door knobs, light switches, toilets, sinks, faucets, and water cooler are wiped down with spray liquid
disinfectant each day.

*Indoor play areas and items are thoroughly sprayed with disinfectant at the end of each day.

*The floors are swept throughout the day by staff and at the end of each day, then vacuumed and washed at least twice weekly.

We thank you for understanding and working with us to keep our community safe.